Organization Charts, Competency Grids and Globalization

Organization Charts, Competency Grids and Globalization

The best known form of the “Serenity Prayer”, attributed to American Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr and in common use since the 1930s, may be familiar to you: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the...

Great Org Charts. For ALL Your Great Players.

North American baseball fans are currently immersed in the baseball playoffs leading up to the World Series. In our hometown of Toronto, the Blue Jays have capped an incredible second half of the 2015 season with an improbable down-2-games-then-win-3-games come from...
Org Charts: Plug and Play, Play, Play

Org Charts: Plug and Play, Play, Play

In recent blogs we have discussed the human element of changing organizational relationships: the opportunities afforded by peer based solutions to harness excess capacity, and their implications for more where, how and how often individuals “work”....
Org Charts: Customize, Configure, Publish, Share

Org Charts: Customize, Configure, Publish, Share

I still remember my first introduction to, a couple of companies ago.     At the time, almost 15 years ago “CRM software” meant Siebel Systems, a complex enterprise software system with a high sticker price, and even higher...