Organimi Feature Spotlight: Printing Your Org Chart

Organimi Feature Spotlight: Printing Your Org Chart

At Organimi, we are always excited to show off the latest high-tech features in our org chart tool. From our SmartChart Legend feature that helps you build powerful, visually appealing charts in a matter of minutes, to Organimi Connect which allows you to plug...
Organimi 7.0: Reimagined, Redesigned, Revamped

Organimi 7.0: Reimagined, Redesigned, Revamped

When we first announced our plans for developing Organimi 7.0 in January 2020, we weren’t exactly thinking about “new beginnings.” But, as we look back now, it certainly turned out that way.There is an old saying about a crisis being a time of danger and opportunity...
How to Help Your Remote Team Beat WFH Burnout

How to Help Your Remote Team Beat WFH Burnout

The coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread disruption and fundamental changes in the way we work—and these are still ongoing over one year later. If like us you have long since been relegated to your home office, you might be feeling exhausted...
The Disadvantages of a Corporate Hierarchy

The Disadvantages of a Corporate Hierarchy

Although the traditional corporate hierarchy may have had its place at the head of the table for several decades as the go-to organizational structure, it doesn’t work for every business. Business leaders are now more tuned in than ever before to the crucial role that...