4 Personality Types Leaders Need to Know About

4 Personality Types Leaders Need to Know About

We’ve all got to deal with other people. It’s a fact of life… that is unless you plan on squirreling yourself away in a hovel. Workplaces are full of a diverse selection of individuals with different character traits, backgrounds, and personalities. While we’ve all...
The ‘Great Resignation’ and What You Should Do to Fight It

The ‘Great Resignation’ and What You Should Do to Fight It

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed to many of us what’s truly important. And for a good number of workers, being bound to unfulfilling jobs, boring offices, and toxic corporate culture isn’t one of them. People have now had over 18 months to think about their...
Hybrid Working is Here to Stay: Here Are 5 Benefits

Hybrid Working is Here to Stay: Here Are 5 Benefits

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the global labor market throughout 2020, and some of this disruption continues to this day. The unprecedented short-term consequences were sudden and shocking: Millions of people worldwide found themselves either furloughed or rapidly...
Why Succession Planning is Important [with Tips]

Why Succession Planning is Important [with Tips]

What is Succession Planning? As business leaders contemplate the changing nature of work and what the post-pandemic future might hold, succession planning is at the top of the agenda. Succession planning is the process of identifying future leaders within your...
Pre-boarding: What & Why It’s Important [Plus 5 Best Practices]

Pre-boarding: What & Why It’s Important [Plus 5 Best Practices]

What is Pre-boarding? The recruitment process can be a stressful and testing time for not only the candidate but your team, too. So, when you’ve finally got to the end of it and the dream candidate has accepted their job offer, suffice to say that there’s an...
What is Tactical Planning?

What is Tactical Planning?

Tactical Planning for Businesses When your business defines its overarching long-term goals, it likely also puts together strategic plans to go with them. These plans, which set out the overall vision and objectives for the company, mean nothing without there also...