Org Charts and Organizational Design: Need Help? | Organimi

Org Charts and Organizational Design: Need Help? | Organimi

The basic message here folks: organizational design is a lot more complicated than one might think.  We’re hoping Organimi helps in that process.  In last week’s blog, we described some of Organimi’s new features.  We invited users to “let thousands of org...
How to Create a Work Environment that Encourages Employee Engagement

How to Create a Work Environment that Encourages Employee Engagement

In my recent blog posts, I have been discussing employee engagement and what it means to organizations today.  If you have read my blogs, you may have asked yourself if your organization encourages employee engagement.  There is significant research available which...

From Karachi to Scotland: Lost In A Sea of Nameless Faces

A couple of years ago I had the good fortune to work for a large corporation with operations all over the world (Hint; it’s in the FMCG industry). Even though I was employed in the local site in Karachi (Pakistan) it was still a couple of hundred people operation (not...
4 Components of Employee Engagement

4 Components of Employee Engagement

Engaging employees is a hot topic of conversation. Last month I explained why engagement is important: companies with engaged employees perform better. In fact, research has found significant improvement in bottom line measures for organizations with top engagement...

4 Steps to an Engaged, Goal-Oriented Workforce

The start of a new calendar year often aligns with the beginning of an organization’s fiscal year, a time when senior leadership teams should review their organization’s mission, vision and values. This is a prudent activity to ensure the mission, vision and values...