What is Transparent Communication?

What is Transparent Communication?

Creating Transparency in the Workplace Organizations that are more transparent with their employees tend to be more successful. This is because an open and transparent working environment instils a feeling of value among employees and encourages them to contribute and...
Advice for Returning to the Workplace During COVID-19

Advice for Returning to the Workplace During COVID-19

A Short Guide to Making the Workplace “COVID-secure” Although it’s still too early to know when the global workforce will return to their offices and other places of work en masse, it’s a good idea for organizations to start preparing for this inevitability. Indeed,...
Prioritizing Employee Wellbeing During Workplace Re-Entry

Prioritizing Employee Wellbeing During Workplace Re-Entry

When the COVID-19 pandemic first took hold, organizations across the world were plunged into vast uncertainty. And although the road ahead is still uncertain and will inevitably be difficult to navigate, business leaders are shifting their thoughts from whether they...
Tracking and Monitoring Remote Worker Performance: Why and How?

Tracking and Monitoring Remote Worker Performance: Why and How?

As many businesses have switched to remote working models, it has become clear over time that many of the “traditional” methods of measuring employee performance are no longer suitable. For managers and supervisors, it’s no longer simply a case of looking over their...
Why You Should Be Using Stay Interviews for Talent Retention

Why You Should Be Using Stay Interviews for Talent Retention

We’re all familiar with how organizations interview people prior to joining the company and again when they’re leaving the company. However, there is another kind of interview that organizations don’t tend to carry out all too often—stay interviews. This type of...
5 Essential Tips for Hiring Remote Workers

5 Essential Tips for Hiring Remote Workers

If there’s one thing that has become acutely apparent recently, it’s that COVID-19 is not going away any time soon. As much as we hate to acknowledge this, we’re just going to have to grin and bear it and learn to live and work with it for the foreseeable future. And...