Why Most Companies Need to Revamp Their Sick Leave Policy

Why Most Companies Need to Revamp Their Sick Leave Policy

We’ve all been there — it starts as a runny nose but quickly grows into an illness that will invariably keep us from working for days on end. The flu season is no joke. For most companies that is the time of the year when they deal with the most sick day requests....
The 7 Best Onboarding Tools for Employees

The 7 Best Onboarding Tools for Employees

Onboarding employees is difficult. A successful employee onboarding program is a necessity to improve retention, engagement, and productivity among your new hires. However, modern onboarding procedures can be long and arduous. Teams are sometimes using dozens of...
5 Simple Steps Workaholics Can Take to Improve Work-Life Balance

5 Simple Steps Workaholics Can Take to Improve Work-Life Balance

Are you the type of person that is grinding away at your daily work, glances over at your computer monitor and realizes that somehow its 8 PM, over two-hours when you told yourself that you would be leaving for the day. Then you can’t just leave. There are a few loose...
How Long Hours At Work Is Killing Us | Organimi

How Long Hours At Work Is Killing Us | Organimi

Have you ever had a conversation with someone from an earlier generation about how hard people work? If you have, you have probably heard something to the effect of “In my day we knew how to work! You, young people, do not know what hard work is!” The baby boomer...