Something New Under the Sun in Online Org Charts

Something New Under the Sun in Online Org Charts

What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. The Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 1 Verse 9 Nothing new under the sun, “plus ca change”, “nihil sub sole novum”, “אין כל...
Org Charts: Plug and Play, Play, Play

Org Charts: Plug and Play, Play, Play

In recent blogs we have discussed the human element of changing organizational relationships: the opportunities afforded by peer based solutions to harness excess capacity, and their implications for more where, how and how often individuals “work”....
Org Charts: Customize, Configure, Publish, Share

Org Charts: Customize, Configure, Publish, Share

I still remember my first introduction to, a couple of companies ago.     At the time, almost 15 years ago “CRM software” meant Siebel Systems, a complex enterprise software system with a high sticker price, and even higher...
Love Your Product: No More Painful Org Charts

Love Your Product: No More Painful Org Charts

“I love your product. Org charts are so needlessly painful but your product makes it fun to update them.” Those first four words capture the sentiment every product manager wants to hear! “Thank you for your help in this.  I think your customer...

Looking for Startup Equity Upside? Get a piece of Organimi

Have you  been reading about all of the angel and VC money being invested into early stage technology companies and wished that you could get into these kind of opportunities earlier, without a big investment? At Organimi, we think this makes sense, and so we are...

Customize and Share Your Org Charts with Organimi

One of the best experiences about creating software is that moment in time when you release new products.  The excitement – and nervousness – as you introduce to your customers, and the market, “the new stuff”. 2015  has been a big year for...