Seasonal Upgrades from Organimi -The Org Chart Software

Even though we’re all pretty bummed about Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck breaking up, here at Organimi we haven’t let that keep us from building on your feedback. As a startup we’re pretty nimble and agile to react to your feedback so we wanted to...
Even Better Org Charts: V4 Beta Release

Even Better Org Charts: V4 Beta Release

At Organimi we are all about providing a simple, easy to use, affordable online solution for creating and sharing awesome organizational charts. Our Version 4 alpha feedback was terrific – thanks for all the great comments.  We’re glad users love the new...
Happy St. Paddy’s: Grab A Slice Of Organimi Org Charts

Happy St. Paddy’s: Grab A Slice Of Organimi Org Charts

Organimi Version 4 launch, which is happening today.  We think the dev team has done an incredible job of making a beautiful product for our users looking to create beautiful cloud based org charts.   You can check out Organimi 4 here.   In earlier blogs this year we...
Organimi Alpha 4: Simple. Awesome. Org Charts. Beautiful Too.

Organimi Alpha 4: Simple. Awesome. Org Charts. Beautiful Too.

Welcome to Organimi!  We’re glad you found us.  And for our 11,000+ organizations already on Organimi 3, welcome to Organimi 4.  We’re really excited to be sharing an exclusive preview on-line with you ahead of the alpha launch next week.   Our users have been...
How to Add Administrators to Your Organimi Account

How to Add Administrators to Your Organimi Account

We hope you’re enjoying Organimi and find it easy to use! In the following post, I will cover how to add additional administrators to your Organimi account. To setup administrators (who can edit anything in an Org Chart) and other permissions, follow the steps...

Leaning Back With Some Summer Org Chart Projects

In today’s blog we suggest a few summer organizational design projects you might want to lean back and try using Organimi. Leaning Back…and Then Some Last week, the Organimi team got together to take stock of our results for the first half of the year,...