Org Charts At The Edges: More Use Cases For Organimi

Today’s blog focuses on the topic of use cases and acceptable usage of Organimi. Use cases are widely used in the software industry and by IT organizations internally at organizations to describe the way people (typically) interact with technology (typically...

Check Out Our New Look For Spring!

Worst winter ever? Well, if you were living anywhere in the eastern half of North America it was certainly up there. It doesn’t matter if you define worst as coldest, longest, snowiest, or all of the above. New York, Toronto, Chicago, Boston, Halifax, Atlanta ...
Moving from static to interactive org charts

Moving from static to interactive org charts

It was 1854, a year when streets were lit by coal gas for the first time and the diaphragm speaker (the foundation for the first telephone) was theorized. This was the same year that the first organizational chart was used. Sure, organizational modelling has...
Dotted Line Reporting in Organizational Charts

Dotted Line Reporting in Organizational Charts

Capturing and representing organizational relationships is challenging. Companies have complex reporting structures and organizational hierarchies.As we’ve noted in previous posts, the reference models used for organizational design (whether geographic, business...

It’s Spring. Let Thousands Of Org Charts Bloom!

Spring is here. The promise of new beginnings in the air. Time to get out into the gardens. Creating and managing org charts is a lot like gardening.  Lots of attention is required; putting the right supports in place, using the right mix of nutrients; pruning where...